Explore a technical walkthrough of Chainlink Automation and VRF for saving NFT minting costs.
Reliable smart contract automation and verifiable on-chain randomness (VRF) are critical infrastructure for NFT and gaming projects. This Chainlink Masterclass with Emil and Lukas from PlanetIX—one of Web3’s most popular games—showcases popular use cases for NFT and gaming projects, provides a technical walkthrough for implementing Chainlink Automation and VRF, and explains how to save costs for NFT minting.
PlanetIX is part of Chainlink Lab’s Build program, learn more about how to join BUILD here: https://chain.link/economics/build-program
Recommended Resources
Learning Objectives
How to build random NFT mints, games, and lotteries
Which templates you can use to batch mint NFTs in your own project
How PlanetIX saved on costs by batching VRF transactions using Automation