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Module #3: Dynamic NFTs Enabled by Chainlink Automation

August 1, 2023
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45 minutes

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The next step in the evolution of NFTs is just getting started. Dynamic NFTs (dNFTs) are expanding the design space for NFTs through their ability to adapt and change over time or in response to predefined conditions being met.

Bring your NFTs to life! This Smart Contract Automation Masterclass will show you how to create a dynamic NFT and automate the updates to its metadata using Chainlink Automation.

Chainlink Automation enables hyper-reliable conditional execution of any smart contract function. With Chainlink Automation, you can build truly autonomous and decentralized dynamic NFTs.

Learning Objectives

How to create a fully on-chain SVG-based NFT that is dynamic and can be updated—all on-chain using Remix and Chainlink Automation.
How Chainlink Automation can be leveraged to build dNFTs that automatically update their metadata.
The latest dNFT use cases and applications.


Richard Gottleber

Developer Relations Engineer

Chainlink Labs

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