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Module #1: Triggering Smart Contract Execution With Chainlink Automation

August 1, 2023
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45 minutes

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Blockchain developers and DevOps teams are increasingly integrating Chainlink Automation when architecting their dApps as it is the only smart contract automation service that enables users to cost-effectively scale while ensuring maximum uptime and trust-minimization through decentralization.

In this deep dive session, join Chainlink Labs team members to learn how to trigger smart contract functions using Chainlink Automation.

You’ll be guided through a hands-on demo showing the end-to-end process for triggering any smart contract function with Chainlink Automation. Afterward, you’ll have the chance to ask live questions to Chainlink Labs team members.

Learning Objectives

The benefits of integrating a decentralized smart contract automation solution to outsource DevOps and ​​regular maintenance tasks.
What makes Chainlink Automation different from Web2 automation scripts
How to write an Automation-compatible smart contract and register a new Upkeep in the Chainlink Automation App
Industry best practices to save critical developer resources by scaling and securing your smart contract execution using Chainlink Automation


De Clercq Wentzel

Product Manager

Chainlink Labs

Mike Stone

Senior Solutions Architect

Chainlink Labs

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