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Module #4: Creating Cross-Chain DeFi Apps With CCIP and USDC

February 7, 2024
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120 minutes

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Learn all about building cross-chain DeFi applications using CCIP and the USDC stablecoin.

As part of this masterclass, you’ll create and deploy smart contracts that use CCIP to send USDC from Avalanche Fuji to Polygon Mumbai and then deposit the stablecoins into the Compound V3 market on Polygon Mumbai.


  • Web3 wallet: You'll need a MetaMask or similar Web3 wallet for this workshop.


Watch the previous CCIP Masterclasses: 

Learning Objectives

Understand how to use CCIP to create advanced cross-chain DeFi applications
Transfer USDC stablecoins between chains using Chainlink CCIP
Complete a cross-chain USDC deposit into Compound


Andrej Rakic

Developer Relations Engineer

Chainlink Labs

Blessing Adesiji

Senior Developer Relations Engineer


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