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Module #1: Mastering Cross-Chain Development With Chainlink CCIP

August 1, 2023
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2 hours

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Join the Chainlink Labs team to learn about the Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP), understand why it's the industry's most secure cross-chain messaging protocol, and explore how it enables trust-minimized cross-chain smart contracts.

As part of this workshop, you will build, deploy, and interact with a smart contract across multiple blockchains, using CCIP to send tokens and messages cross-chain. You will also build a cross-chain tic-tac-toe game where you can play against someone on a completely different blockchain!

Click here to open the GitBook


  • Web3 Wallet: You'll require a MetaMask or a similar Web3 wallet for this workshop.
  • Testnet Assets: Ensure your wallet has Sepolia testnet ETH and Avalanche Fuji testnet AVAX. These can be obtained from the Chainlink Faucet.
  • Network Addition: If the Avalanche Fuji network isn't added to your wallet, you can do so through Chainlist.


At least six months of prior programming experience and familiarity with Solidity or JavaScript

Learning Objectives

Enhance your understanding of the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP).
Build, deploy, and interact with smart contracts across different blockchains using CCIP.
Build a cross-chain tic-tac-toe game, showcasing real-world interoperability between different blockchains.


Andrej Rakic

Developer Relations Engineer

Chainlink Labs

Harry Papacharissiou

Manager, Developer Relations Engineers

Chainlink Labs

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