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Tokenizing Real-World Assets On-Chain

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April 28, 2022 1:30 PM
45 minutes

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Currently, there are trillions of dollars locked in assets to which there is very little consumer access. Markets such as real estate, fine art, metals and IP are predominantly owned by institutional investors with few opportunities for retail investors to participate. 

Tokenization – the act of creating a digital representation of an asset on a blockchain – is poised to disrupt these industries and bring in a broader base of smaller-ticket investors. 

This Tech Talk is designed for enterprise business and technical leads who are looking for ideas on how to get started with blockchain technology. You will learn from industry leaders about innovative tokenization use cases and critical strategies your enterprise can leverage to design and build smart contract applications.

Learning Objectives

Discover how tokenization can unlock the full potential of illiquid, often high-performing asset classes
Find out how companies are already finding success in tokenizing real or virtual assets
Learn tips on how to future-proof your enterprise blockchain applications


Patrick O'Meara

Chairman and CEO


Brian Hankey



William Herkelrath

Managing Director

Chainlink Labs

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