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Chainlink Proof of Reserve: Bridging DeFi, CeFi, and Traditional Finance

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January 31, 2022 5:00 PM
45 minutes

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2021 saw an exposition of participants in the blockchain economy. Crypto exchanges are accelerating this trend by continuing to add new types of tradeable DeFi tokens and assets.

In this Tech Talk, learn how Gemini, a leading Crypto Exchange, is leveraging Chainlink Proof of Reserve (PoR) for their Wrapped Filecoin Asset. Chainlink Proof of Reserve enables the reliable and timely monitoring of reserve assets using automated audits based on cryptographic truth. This generates a high degree of transparency around asset collateralization, increasing trust in financial products.

Learning Objectives

Learn how Gemini’s PoR feed will bring additional protection to DeFi users of Wrapped Filecoin (EFIL) - an ERC-20 wrapped version of Filecoin
Understand some of the fundamental problems with traditional audit systems and how Chainlink Proof of Reserves solves them
See how Chainlink PoR can be employed across various use cases including, digitized assets, circuit breakers, cross-chain tokenization, and new financial products


Franck Kengne

Lead Product Manager


William Reilly

CeFi Lead

Chainlink Labs

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