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Redefining DeFi: Self-Repaying Loans on Alchemix

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December 15, 2021 10:00 AM
45 minutes

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Join us on December 15th at 10am ET to learn from Alchemix co-founder, Web 3 developer, and DeFi 2.0 maximalist Scoopy Trooples about the latest innovations in smart contract automation and decentralized finance (DeFi). Tune in to hear how Scoopy built Alchemix - a protocol that enables users to take out loans that automatically repay themselves over time without any risk to liquidation.

We’ll cover everything about Alchemix and their upcoming V2 release, including how they use Chainlink Price Feeds and recently integrated Chainlink Keepers for secure smart contract automation, and take a deep dive into the latest trends in decentralized finance like DeFi 2.0.

Following the presentation, we’ll have time for a Q&A with our speakers.

About Alchemix

Alchemix lets you reimagine the potential of DeFi by providing highly flexible instant loans that repay themselves over time. The synthetic protocol token (alUSD) is backed by future yield. Using Alchemix, there are no liquidations - your only debt is time.

Learning Objectives

Explore what’s driving a new wave of innovation in DeFi commonly referred to as DeFi 2.0
Discover how Alchemix’s protocol architecture allows for self-repaying loans with no liquidations
Learn how Alchemix integrated and combined multiple Chainlink oracle services to build more advanced smart contracts
Learn about smart contract automation: how it’s implemented and what benefits it provides to developers and dApps


Scoopy Trooples

Co-founder and Lead Engineer


Mike Stone

Senior Solutions Architect

Chainlink Labs

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